Thursday, November 14, 2013

Mid-Progress Critique

For me my family is the most important thing in my life and a huge deciding factor in deciding where my journey will take me after high school. The most important person in my life is my mother, she has taught me to be strong, not to give u, to work hard, and love and trust as much as you can. I like taking my own life experiences and turning them into art. I love using photography, but I also like adding an unnatural piece of personality to the photography through digital brushes.

I like the concentration because I feel it can relate to everyone and that mothers are the base of who we really are. And I feel like nature is a good way to show other traits of mothers.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Weekly Challenge: Opposites

I went to the Butterfly Pavilion this weekend! It was so fun, and had changed so much since I was a little kid. The pictures were good, but it was really hard to make them be still, and get the lighting right.