Friday, December 13, 2013

Last weekly Challenge

So the other one did not scan so I have it on my sketchbook. But this one is a sunrise because I feel like we focus mostly on sunsets in Colorado

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Concentration Series

For me as a girl and being around the women in my life has taught me who I want to be. The most important person in my life is my mother, she has taught me to be strong, not to give up, to work hard, to be gentle and kind. To be caring and sympathetic, love and trust as much as you can. I used natural symbolism to look depict the roles of femininity. I like taking my own life experiences and turning them into art. I love using photography, but I also adding an unnatural piece of personality to the photography through digital brushes. The concentration means a lot to me because it shows the natural characteristics that women have that makes each of us special and unique. Everyone has important woman in their life; mothers, sisters, spouses and daughters hold special roles in society and our personal lives.
The concentration evolves from only digital brushes with the idea of fire and power and moves throughout the concentration to the twelfth piece which is photo pure. I started with bigger stronger hair and slowly they got smaller and faded out until the end where there is nothing. I worked with aspects of womanhood and femininity that could be relatable to others, from the confidence demonstrated in life situations in piece four, the nurture of a mother shown in work nine, or the feisty anger that every girl has demonstrated in work eight. The feelings  of delicacy and gentleness in ten and optimism in two, brought together by clarity in five and peace in eight. The protection and love that is shown for the people a woman surrounds herself shown in seven and eleven, or the demand for trust and respect shown in the second image. From the beginning with power to the end with Beauty women and feminism is both complicated and shows the aspects that show a woman’s true nature.
Trust/ Honesty