Friday, December 13, 2013

Last weekly Challenge

So the other one did not scan so I have it on my sketchbook. But this one is a sunrise because I feel like we focus mostly on sunsets in Colorado

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Concentration Series

For me as a girl and being around the women in my life has taught me who I want to be. The most important person in my life is my mother, she has taught me to be strong, not to give up, to work hard, to be gentle and kind. To be caring and sympathetic, love and trust as much as you can. I used natural symbolism to look depict the roles of femininity. I like taking my own life experiences and turning them into art. I love using photography, but I also adding an unnatural piece of personality to the photography through digital brushes. The concentration means a lot to me because it shows the natural characteristics that women have that makes each of us special and unique. Everyone has important woman in their life; mothers, sisters, spouses and daughters hold special roles in society and our personal lives.
The concentration evolves from only digital brushes with the idea of fire and power and moves throughout the concentration to the twelfth piece which is photo pure. I started with bigger stronger hair and slowly they got smaller and faded out until the end where there is nothing. I worked with aspects of womanhood and femininity that could be relatable to others, from the confidence demonstrated in life situations in piece four, the nurture of a mother shown in work nine, or the feisty anger that every girl has demonstrated in work eight. The feelings  of delicacy and gentleness in ten and optimism in two, brought together by clarity in five and peace in eight. The protection and love that is shown for the people a woman surrounds herself shown in seven and eleven, or the demand for trust and respect shown in the second image. From the beginning with power to the end with Beauty women and feminism is both complicated and shows the aspects that show a woman’s true nature.
Trust/ Honesty

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Mid-Progress Critique

For me my family is the most important thing in my life and a huge deciding factor in deciding where my journey will take me after high school. The most important person in my life is my mother, she has taught me to be strong, not to give u, to work hard, and love and trust as much as you can. I like taking my own life experiences and turning them into art. I love using photography, but I also like adding an unnatural piece of personality to the photography through digital brushes.

I like the concentration because I feel it can relate to everyone and that mothers are the base of who we really are. And I feel like nature is a good way to show other traits of mothers.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Weekly Challenge: Opposites

I went to the Butterfly Pavilion this weekend! It was so fun, and had changed so much since I was a little kid. The pictures were good, but it was really hard to make them be still, and get the lighting right.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Boulder Feild Trip Weekly Challenge

The Field trip to downtown Boulder was so fun, we went to a teashop, Boulder Museum of Contemparary Art and then to Pearl Street for lunch. The first photo is from the Russian style tea house and the second is Boulder Creek after the flooding.

Friday, October 18, 2013

Weekly Challenge

First weekly challenge in adobe illustrator. I guess it turned out ok, I wish I was able to use use brushes

Monday, October 14, 2013

Weekly Challenge 5

I really liked the project for the week, it was based on a poem and I decided to only use photoshop brushes.
The poem is On Raglan Road, by Patrick Kavanagh:
On Raglan Road on an autumn day I met her first and knew
That her dark hair would weave a snare that I might one day rue;
I saw the danger, yet I walked along the enchanted way,
And I said, let grief be a fallen leaf at the dawning of the day.

On Grafton Street in November we tripped lightly along the ledge
Of the deep ravine where can be seen the worth of passion's pledge,
The Queen of Hearts still making tarts and I not making hay -
O I loved too much and by such and such is happiness thrown away.

I gave her gifts of the mind I gave her the secret sign that's known
To the artists who have known the true gods of sound and stone
And word and tint. I did not stint for I gave her poems to say.
With her own name there and her own dark hair like clouds over fields of May

On a quiet street where old ghosts meet I see her walking now
Away from me so hurriedly my reason must allow
That I had wooed not as I should a creature made of clay -
When the angel woos the clay he'd lose his wings at the dawn of day. 

And this is the work I did to portray it

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Breadth 2: Narrative

Story of a Child, Through the eyes of a kindergartner. I took the pictures from a kindergarten room I work in. all the pictures are taken from where they would sit, in their classroom. I feel like kindergarten is a new and exiting time where things are not always clear, and there is a lot to do.

Monday, September 30, 2013

Weekly Challenge 4

This week I chose the Portraiture project. However due to the fact I had used my sister for the last weekly challenge and there was no way i would be able to convince my brother to do it I chose my dog. This may have just been more work because he does not sit still, EVER! I turned out with quite a few good pics though, so I'm happy.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Twenty Layers

I really liked the twenty layers project, I thought it was super fun. I do wish however that I had chosen a bigger space to work with. The surface was really small and I feel like it made the piece look crammed. I tried to stick with a light theme that covered anything that was dark, but the darkness (and "pain") still stuck out. I also used slash marks on the hands and the "pain", representing the pain. The back is a picture of my sister, but it is covered in bubble wrap. I love bubble wrap!!

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Weekly Challenge 3

My prompt for this week's was to create a fashion photo shoot. The model is my sister, I think this makes it both easier and harder to work with the model. You can communicate better and get your point across better than anyone else, but at the same time they push your buttons, are moody and do not always do what you want. Finally, in the end I got really great pictures of my sister. I like the way she is completely herself in these photos, which is why I chose them. She likes the modern 50s kind of style (somewhere in-between Marilyn Monroe and Taylor Swift), so I had her use her own style but connected them with the color red. I don't know what it is about the color red, but I think it looks FANTASTIC on everyone.
Hope everything is okay after the floods, stay safe. XOXO

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Weekly Challenge Dos

For this weeks challenge I chose to emulate Judy Pfaff. Judy Pfaff creates both 2D and 3D art. She is a unique artist that uses lots of color but sticks to color schemes in individual art works. I liked the similarities between her 2 and 3D pieces. In order to emulate Judy Pfaff I used brushes and a six color scheme I then filtered the squares and circles and polarized them into the funnel shape that they are in.

 Judy Pfaff 3D
 Judy Pfaff 2D
My Work!!!
Woo Hoo!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

First Weekly Challenge!!

Conveying a color without using that color is definitely tricky. First you have to know what is meaningful and red and then you have to think of how you can show people what you want to tell them. Red is a powerful color and it has a lot of meaning that other colors can not convey. So i started with the most powerful red thing I could think of Blood. I photographed the picture that I posed for then manipulated the colors to show everything but red. I don't know if it worked....but I like it.

Summer Arts

While in Minnesota this summer my family and I went to the Como Zoo and Conservatory in Minneapolis. In one of the branches of the conservatory there was a pond and the statue was super beautiful. throughout the conservatory there were multiple female statues dancing over the water. Each of the rooms of the conservatory had a water feature with Lilies and other beautiful flowers and plants surrounding it. It was the perfect photo opportunity.

During my mission trip in Colorado Springs we were in a rain storm and everything was dark and gloomy. But after we got through the pass the skies cleared and the view around us was truly amazing. The clouds and the mountains mixed in such a beautiful way. Reminding me that sometimes we have to go through the storm and the darkness before we get to something better and beautiful.